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#46 Inso



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Опубликовано 13 Октябрь 2007 - 22:40

BioWare buyout part 2.

Интервью с докторами из BioWare @ gamespot.com



Going from the worlds' biggest independent developer to part of the world's biggest publisher? People are kind of taken aback. What's your reaction to that?

Ray Myzuka: Well, I'm really excited about the opportunity to integrate the great development teams we have here, the marketing teams we have here. As you said, EA is the largest, and I think, the best publisher in the world, and I think we can some value to that team, and that organization as a partnership.

Right, but you guys were always an icon of independent development, and were even more so after the deal with Pandemic...

Greg Zeschuk: Well, to be blunt, I don't really see ourselves as not being independent anymore. We've got a goal of making great BioWare games, and we believe in [EA CEO] John[ Riccitiello]'s vision--we can't overemphasize that. We've worked with John for years, and we're looking forward to keep doing what we're doing and doing it well.

Инсайдер вью @ firingsquad.com



The company line is no doubt something like “BioWare is thrilled at the opportunity to work with the world’s leading game developer. We have been looking forward to blah blah blah”. A dose of reality can be found by hanging out the BioWare offices and overhearing some honest opinions.

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#47 Inso



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Опубликовано 02 Ноябрь 2007 - 15:13

Elder Scrolls go online?



ZeniMax Media, the parent company of Bethesda Softworks, recenly purchased ELDERSCROLLSONLINE.COM. Combine this little acquisition with the fact that it recently opened up a online game division headed up by Mythic co-founder Matt Firor, and I think we might have made a love connection. We contacted Bethesda about this, but have yet to get an official response.

Я бы сказал, что там им и место. Обливион был похож на мморпг в сингл-плее.
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#48 Lovecraft Lover

Lovecraft Lover

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Опубликовано 13 Ноябрь 2007 - 17:42

Mass Effect RELEASED!

Австралийский журнал посвященный XBOX 360 ставит игре 10 баллов из возможных 10, и вот почему:
Mass Effect is just the first chapter in an epic trilogy. It's a galaxy-spanning adventure that's approachable for RPG-haters thanks to the fun of its combat while still appealing to RPG purists thanks to the dizzying level of customisation for yours characters persanality, abilities and weaponary. Mass Effect is an RPG with certified mass appeal, and along with BioShock it's one of the finest forms of pure escapism the video game medium has served up in this console generation. Don't miss it

Game Informer Magazine: 9.75/10
"One of the greatest science fiction stories ever told, and a new benchmark for video game storytelling."

К сожалению пока интернет-ресурсы на выход игры не прореагировали, обе рецензии только в бумжных журналах, поэтому больше инфы выложить не могу.

Офф. сайт игры: http://masseffect.bioware.com/
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#49 Inso



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Опубликовано 27 Ноябрь 2007 - 15:06

Deus Ex 3 announced



The team will be allotted up to two years for development, suggesting the game is targeted for holiday 2009 release.

Тизер http://www.eidosmont...m/en/games.html
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#50 Lovecraft Lover

Lovecraft Lover

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Опубликовано 27 Ноябрь 2007 - 16:20

Славные новости. Во вторую часть я правда не играл, потому что меня предупредили что она шлак, но третью будем ждать.
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#51 nanashi



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Опубликовано 27 Ноябрь 2007 - 16:25

"OMG OMG OMG I'm spraying cum everywhere I can't believe it DEUS EX 3 !?>!@?!?@!@ Deus Ex..."

Ха-ха-ха )) Только бы не еще один биошок.
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#52 Inso



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Опубликовано 27 Ноябрь 2007 - 17:17

Цитата(Lovecraft Lover @ Tuesday, 27 November 2007, 19:20) [snapback]343502[/snapback]

Славные новости. Во вторую часть я правда не играл, потому что меня предупредили что она шлак, но третью будем ждать.

Она не то чтобы шлак. Она не рпг - она консольный шутер, не более.
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#53 Inso



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Опубликовано 02 Декабрь 2007 - 20:54

Interplay is HIRING! It just won`t stay dead ©


• Familiarity with the Fallout universe and SPECIAL system

Couldn`t hurt.


Fallout Memories @ http://rpgvault.ign....8/838717p1.html


The second was the first time the rocket launcher was demonstrated. The object ID number for the rocket shell was entered incorrectly. Instead of a rocket crossing the screen, a dog popped out, ran to the target and blew up. We came *this* close to keeping Puppy Ammo, but eventually decided that Vince DeNardo, a colleague and dog lover, probably wouldn't be too happy with us.


The Witcher reviews


Your choices and actions have profound effects on the world at large -- even if this is one game where you won't be able to topple the Dark Tower and bring on a golden age of peace, love, happiness, and sunshine. If there is a moral to The Witcher's story, it is that in the real world there are rarely simple solutions to complex problems, the most terrible evil is done in the name of the greater good, and much of the time the best you can hope for is to pick the lesser evil and hope for the best.


At the heart of The Witcher's design lies a rich and compelling roleplaying experience. Unfortunately, the rest of the game serves mostly to obscure this fact. As a storyteller with nearly 20 years of tabletop roleplaying experience, I tend to take my computer RPGs with more than a few grains of salt. I stuck with Gothic, despite its awkward control system and uneven vocal performances. I grimaced through Ultima VII's tongue-in-cheek, Olde English dialog. I spent countless hours wandering the wastelands in Fallout, despite my antipathy for turn-based combat. I even slogged through all of Neverwinter Nights and its follow up modules - more than once. Still, after spending well over 10 hours with The Witcher, I can't see myself returning to it.

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#54 Lovecraft Lover

Lovecraft Lover

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Опубликовано 05 Март 2008 - 21:28


Вчера на 70ом году жизни умер "отец ролевых игр" Гари Гайгакс, наиболее известный как разработчик ролевых систем семейства Dungeons & Dragons. Кроме этого он автор множества работ в основном так или иначе посвященных геймингу и в частности ролевым играм и сам был заядлым игроком. Он страдал сердечным недугом, но продолжал работать, общаться с игровым сообществом по средством Интернета.
I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else.*

Говаривал он.

Подробнее о его жизни и творчестве, можно прочитать здесь - http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Gary_Gygax

* - "Я бы хотел чтобы мир запомнил меня человеком который действительно получал удовольствие играя, делясь своими знаниями и приятно проводя время с окружающими людьми"
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#55 Lovecraft Lover

Lovecraft Lover

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Опубликовано 19 Март 2008 - 02:14

10ого Июля 2008 в Японии выходит Persona 4. Платформа - PS2!
Радуемся(по другому никак) и смотрим сканы Фамитсу - здесь.
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#56 Lovecraft Lover

Lovecraft Lover

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Опубликовано 10 Апрель 2008 - 00:11

8ого апреля наконец то вышла английская версия dungeon-crawler'а Baroque для PS2 и Wii. Ищите на популярных трекерах wink.gif


А вот и первое ревью на эту нетленку от неизвестного критика под псевдонимом brunoboasorte. Он пишет:

If you want to buy this game, certly gonna be a good decision!!! this game are very very good, all the graphics are better than any game in the category... this game become a adiction, so be carefull for dont play has long than you can't more open your eyes.... thats a master piece!!!!

Критика просто разрывало от впечатлений и он внезапно перешел на свой родной язык, от переизбытка чувств! Вот чем он поделился с посетителями портала gamespot.com:

esse jogo e muito bom!!!!! tem uma curva de aprendizagem muito rapida..... com certeza voce vai gostar!!!!!!! todas as parte do jogo forma muito bem feitas........ o cenario tem uma o t i m a definicao..... os personagens foram muito bem modelados... cada detalhe da roupa e dos acessorios me impressionou muito!!!!!!!! cada vez que eu o jogo eu fico mais e mais viciado!!!!!!! Sempre que voce quiser jogar, vai passar mais de 3 horas direto sem descanco com certeza..... isso e algo que voce nao controlar, voce nao vai conseguir parar jogar.. para todos aqueles que gostam de jogar esse tipo de jogo, vale a pena comprar........ fecho aqui meu review sobre esse impressionante jogo do ps2...

Что ж, brunoboasorte похоже остался доволен и поставил оценку 9.0, подкрепив ее твердой аргументацией:
this game are very very good

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#57 Lovecraft Lover

Lovecraft Lover

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Опубликовано 12 Апрель 2008 - 00:43

А вот и первое настоящее ревью dungeon-crawler'a Baroque с портала RPGfan.com:

Back in 1998, Sting developed a rogue dungeon crawler called Baroque for the Sega Saturn. It was ported to PlayStation a year later, but for reasons unknown, neither game was released in North America, and remained a cult classic only in Japan. Last year, Sting did a remake for PlayStation 2; this remake was also ported to the Wii. This time, Atlus was nice enough to give North American gamers a chance to play the remake of the classic on April 8. Baroque does not redefine dungeon crawling, but the adventure is an interesting one.

The story isn't simply presented to you when the time is right. You have to find ways to trigger the major plot points, but the game simply does not tell you how. This is something players have to discover through various clues and interests. Most of the story background comes from the various people you talk to in and out of the tower. They share some insight on the world, what is going on, and some reveal bits of information on the main character's past, though in a vague manner. Some parts of the story or new characters only reveal themselves when you die outside the tower. Simply clearing the tower isn't enough; players would have to figure out when is a good time to die. It adds some dynamics to the story. The plot remains confusing overall, but putting the pieces together, there are a number of interesting revelations, and some weird twists that involve the protagonist's past.

Sounds promising.

Кратко об игре в целом:
Only those who truly appreciate rogue-like RPGs will be able to get the most enjoyment out of it.

Читать целиком
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#58 shinKAMI



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Опубликовано 12 Апрель 2008 - 22:16

а на форуме есть игравшие?
просто очень уж интересно, что там))
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#59 Lovecraft Lover

Lovecraft Lover

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Опубликовано 12 Апрель 2008 - 22:41

Как докачаю, поиграю и переварю наигранное - отпишусь обязательно.
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#60 Lovecraft Lover

Lovecraft Lover

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Опубликовано 23 Апрель 2008 - 21:04

Да, кстати Persona 3: FES вышла вчера в Америке. Вот тебе и раз!
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