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#31 knwlss



  • Samael
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Опубликовано 08 Сентябрь 2005 - 19:26

СХАтД получился действительно весьма неплохим (это был первый комикс по СХ) - но потом, кажется, у авторов просто начали катастрофически иссякать идеи.
Позвольте, товарищ СайлентПирамид. Among The Damned - ВТОРОЙ официальный комикс после Dying Inside.
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#32 knwlss



  • Samael
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Опубликовано 08 Январь 2006 - 19:11

Появились новости о новом релизе IDW - Silent Hill: Dead/Alive. Комикс пока не выпущен - информации о нем нет даже на официальном сайте IDW, но уже сейчас можно делать предзаказы на других сайтах и аукционах. Появиться он должен в январе-феврале. Комикс будет состоять из 5 выпусков.

by Scott Ciencin, Nick Stakal, Ted McKeever, Nick Stakal, Scott Keating, & Steven Perkins
Imagine you are eight years old, undead and pure evil. Your plans to gain ultimate power in the mist-enshrouded haunted town of Silent Hill have left you defeated, a prisoner. Suddenly you are free. But this is what hell really is... because now you are alive and vulnerable - and you have competition. May the deadliest win. Writer Scott Ciencin (Silent Hill: The Grinning Man) and artist Nick Stakal (Silent Hill: The Grinning Man) team up once again to return to Silent Hill for this new five-part miniseries."

Существует 4 варианта первого выпуска с различным оформлением обложки.
Silent Hill: Dead / Alive #1 (Nick Stakal cover)
Silent Hill: Dead / Alive #1 (Ted McKeever Cover)
Silent Hill: Dead / Alive #1 (Steven Perkins cover)
Silent Hill: Dead / Alive #1 (Scott Keating cover)
Silent Hill Dead Alive #1 IDW 4-Issue Variant Cover Set
Silent Hill Dead/Alive #1 Retailer Incentive Variant

Written by Scott Ciencin, art by Nick Stakal, covers by Stakal and Ted McKeever.
Imagine this: You're a Hollywood leading man. You have wealth, fame, power‹and a hole in your heart, a vacuum in your soul. Playing a deadly game of damnation on the mist-enshrouded demon-infested streets of Silent Hill to save the woman you love, you don't expect the forces of darkness to play fair. So you won't, either... featuring another chilling cover courtesy of artist Ted McKeever, and a variant cover by interior artist Stakal.

Scott Ciencin (w); Nick Stakal (a); Bolton, McKeever ©
Welcome to a festival of horror the likes of which Silent Hill hasn’t seen since the night half the town burned and monsters first stormed the mist-enshrouded streets. There are games to be played. Prizes to be won. Flesh to be destroyed. Trapped within this madness are living dead girl Christabella and haunted Hollywood actor Kenneth Carter. Will they escape? Will they even want to? Ted McKeever once again provides a creepy cover, as does artist Chris Bolton (Land of the Dead).

Written by Scott Ciencin, art by Nick Stakal, covers by Stakal and Ted McKeever. 32 pages
Imagine growing up feeling different, always wondering the truth about yourself... then suddenly learning who your parents are and that one may not have even been human--or alive. Fighting for the lives and souls of those he loves on the mist-enshrouded, demon-plagued streets of Silent Hill, Hollywood actor Kenneth Carter is faced with a decision that may turn him from an icon worshiped by millions to a figure of fear known the world over. Can he survive?

Информации о нем что-то не нашел...

PS Похоже это будет своебразное продолжение Dying Inside - истории Кристабеллы.
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#33 SilentPyramid


    Satoko-chan, where are you going? (^^)/

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Опубликовано 11 Январь 2006 - 04:17

ОМГ, *оно* снова возвращается... Если создатели продолжают находиться все в том же угаре, в котором они сотворили Grinning Man, то... oh my God... my God... (пошел выкалывать себе глаза)

Кстати, а чего это на офсайте IDW в СХ-разделе не указана новинка? Потенциальный шедевр все еще издается под эгидой сей печально известной конторки, или Конями его наконец-то еще кому-то передали?
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#34 knwlss



  • Samael
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Опубликовано 11 Январь 2006 - 18:15

Действительно странно, что на сайте до сих пор отсутсвует инфа по этому комиксу, но на фейк это не похоже... выпускают именно они.
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#35 knwlss



  • Samael
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Опубликовано 25 Январь 2006 - 20:51

A deadly game draws to a close as the living dead girl Christabella must escape from her greatest enemies and put herself in the path of malevolent beings that are neither angels nor demons, but something worseŠ if she is to stop them from putting the world to flame and realize her own twisted plans for the monster-laden mist-enshrouded haunted town of Silent Hill.

Инфа+все обложки №1-3/5
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#36 Den_Silent



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Опубликовано 01 Февраль 2006 - 03:05

На iXBT проскочила следующая инфа:
Анонс: комикс Silent Hill (PSP) — BlackCat @ 03:41   

Вслед за анонсом Metal Gear Solid Digital Comic компания Konami объявила о создании комикса The Silent Hill Experience, основанного на серии игр Silent Hill.

The Silent Hill Experience обещает полностью охватить все части игры, представив собой уникальное руководство по вселенной Silent Hill. Сюжет комикса пишет Скот Цинцин (Scott Ciencin), иллюстрации создаются Стивом Перкинсом (Steve Perkins) и Алексом Шибао (Alex Shibao) при использовании некоторых деталей одноименного фильма.

Комикс будет иметь трехмерный интерфейс с интерактивными элементами и анимированной панелью меню. На диске будет представлено: саундтрек всех четырех игр серии, эксклюзивный видео-контент, а также интервью с Кристофом Гансом (Christophe Gans), режиссером фильма Silent Hill, который расскажет об особенностях экранизации. Обещается наличие главы Dying Inside, которая расскажет о том, что вы не могли узнать из игр.

Konami завляет, что проекты, подобные MGS Digital Comic и The Silent Hill Experience, станут абсолютно новым жанром для платформы PSP, комбинируя на одном носителе огромное количество самой разнообразной информации.

Мы сообщим вам, когда появится новая информация о дате выхода The Silent Hill Experience.


Вроде эта инфа здесь не проскакивала, так что я решил создать тему. Прошу не бить, если это уже обсуждалось...
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#37 knwlss



  • Samael
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Опубликовано 01 Февраль 2006 - 18:34

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#38 Pac Man

Pac Man
  • Гвозди

Опубликовано 01 Февраль 2006 - 19:52

Теперь и вы увидели! biggrin.gif
Этот СХ выдет на PSP в виде UMD-Video!
Лично я надеюсь что он будет 1-го региона!

#39 knwlss



  • Samael
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Опубликовано 28 Март 2006 - 18:32

Silent Hill Dead/Alive #2 - 12.3 mb

Второй выпуск dead/alive. Ни первого, ни третьего нигде не нарыл =/.
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#40 knwlss



  • Samael
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Опубликовано 30 Март 2006 - 23:58

Достал таки первые три части.

Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #01 - 5.5 MB
Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #02 - 8.6 MB
Silent Hill: Dead/Alive #03 - 8.2 MB
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#41 SilentPyramid


    Satoko-chan, where are you going? (^^)/

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Опубликовано 01 Апрель 2006 - 05:24

Вот, смотрю я на активность в данной теме, и начинает мне казаться, что никому больше кроме нашего трудяги knwlss новые комиксы по СХ, мягко скажем, нафиг не сдались. Остается только догадываться, НАСКОЛЬКО ЖЕ авторы комиксов дескредитировали себя в глазах фэнов, что народ окончательно растерял весь интерес к затее с комиксами...
ИМХО весьма символичны результаты опроса в теме http://www.silenthil...?showtopic=8463 - достаточно посмотреть, за какой пункт голосовала львиная доля форумчан - и все сразу становится ясно sad.gif

P.S.: knwlss, тебе "+" за энтузиазм.
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#42 knwlss



  • Samael
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Опубликовано 18 Апрель 2006 - 19:30

Итак вот чо есть на этом диске.

Hidden Ki-No-Ki video
Hidden Fukuro video
Hidden UFO ending for Silent Hill 1 & 2 and Dog ending for Silent Hill 2
Comic Book 'The Hunger' (<which wasn't half bad! Enjoyable!) presented with SH music
Chapters 1-5 of Dying Inside presented with SH music
Trailer for SH1, SH2, SH3, SH4, Silent Hill movie, and Usagi
Interview with Akira Yamaoka about music selections
Interview with Christophe Gans and Akira Yamaoka about adapting to movie
20 music tracks
Very interactive menus

Null Moon
Fermata in Mystic Air
You're Not Here
Never Forgive Me, Never Forget Me
Tears Of...
Love Psalm
Laura Plays the Piano
Dance With Night Wind
Letter- From The Lost Days
Cradle of Forest
Room of Angel
Nightmarish Waltz
Breeze (In Monochrome Night)
Overdose Delusion
Theme of Laura
Maternal Heart
Wounded Warsong

Interview About Why he chose the songs he did:
Q: Why include these songs as your favorites?
A: Well, I have chosen those songs from Silent Hill because these songs are the best fit for the scenes in the game.
Q: What do these songs share in common?
A: Well, there is no common ground among those songs. I chose songs to show variation within the series.
Q: How has your music style progressed through the game series?
A: There is no change in genre, however, in terms of groove, I have experimented with new grooves such as world beat.
Q: How would you describe your style?
A: Well, I can say that my style is the style that is not influenced by any genre.
Q: How do you keep yourself inspired when creating the music?
A: By listening to all kinds of music available in the world, they inspire me.
Q: In what ways have you experimented with different instruments and/or styles?
A: I haven't experimented with different instruments. I try to find something new in each project. I try to create something that I haven't done before.
Q: Which soundtrack is your overall favorite?
A: I really like the song, Theme of Laura from Silent Hill 2. Regarding Theme of Laura, I was trying to avoid arcade-like music within the game. And I was able to accomplish that with this song. Therefore, it means a lot to me.
Q: How does the game reflect your music, or is the game created for the most part and your music is a reflection of what is already there?
A: That could be case by case. I think the music influences the game, and the game influences the music. This is my concept.
Q: What kind of music do you usually listen to?
A: Well, I listen to everything except classical and jazz.

Q: How do you feel seeing the game you've worked on as a film adaptation?
A: I am very happy about it. Especially because, although Silent Hill is a game, we were trying to make it more like a movie. Therefore, I am very happy that some content from the movie has been adapted to the game.
Q: What kind of film did you imagine would be possible for a game like Silent Hill?
A: As I mentioned, the game Silent Hill was very much influenced by movies, especially films by David Lynch, Stephen King, or even Jacob's Ladder. So we created the game with a strong influence from the movies. Therefore, is this develops into a movie, it may not be that simple but hopefully it'll be similar to the type of movies they make.
Q: What was your inspiration when creating the game?
A: Well, you can say the same thing about the movie, but especially with the game, Silent Hill is a horror movie, yet it shows the depth of human psyche and emotions. This may be a bit deep, but Silent Hill 2 is heavily influenced by Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky. So if you see Silent Hill 2, it's apparent that you would notice the influence.
Q: Silent Hill has many memorable characters. Who is one of your favorites?
A: The nurse, Lisa, who was in Silent Hill 1, was impressive and is my favorite. She played a bit part in Silent Hill 1, so she wasn't a major character. The way Lisa was portrayed in the story, her emotions, or reasons that she appears in the scenes are wonderful. They are not too far from the main story, but through Lisa, human emotions such as sorrow are expressed wonderfully. She played a small part, but was very impressive and is my favorite.
Q: There are many iconic moments in Silent Hill. What is one of your favorite scenes from the games?
A: It's in Silent Hill 1. It's in the beginning when Harry's child was lost and trying to find the child. When the chase is coming to a close, he ends up in an alley. The camera is chasing him from a high angle while panning. It's a chase scene. That scene is very impressive. When filming, we were very excited because this type of camera work has never been done for the games. It showed an intense suspense. It's not a dramatic scene but it showed looming fear, so I think this is a very memorable scene.
Q: How do you feel about seeing the movie?
A: Well, to be honest with you, I took great pride in the making of Silent Hill because I am its biggest fan. I was the biggest fan of Silent Hill while I was making this. I was very fortunate to meet and be able to work with Mr. Chris Gans. I was honored and very happy to be able to work with him.
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#43 white_pawn



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Опубликовано 21 Апрель 2006 - 18:01

Офф сайт:

Офф сайт всех сх:
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#44 Siar Mortal

Siar Mortal


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Опубликовано 24 Апрель 2006 - 17:25

Когда-же будет доступен эмуль и образ SHE?
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#45 StMalKavian


    Мастер ужаса

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Опубликовано 24 Апрель 2006 - 19:50

Когда вы его купите.
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