Пардон, но "Спираль" - это роман Кодзи Судзуки, прямое продолжение "Кольца".
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The strands writhed around in the dying cells like so many snakes, biting and clinging to the surface of the chromatin.
A chill ran down Ando's spine. This was a new virus, the likes of which had never been seen before. He's never seen the smallpox virus through an electron microscope, yet he did know it from medical text-books. THe differences between that and this were obvious at a glance.
"Oh my God."
Miyashita sat there sighing, his mouth hanging open.
Ando understood the workings of the virus: how it was carried along inside the blood vessels to the coronary artery, where it affixed itself to the inner wall of the antrtior descending branch and caused mutations in the cells of that area until they formed a tumor. What he couldn't understand was how this virus he was looking at now could have been created via the victim's consciousness. This virus didn't invade the body from the outside. Rather, it was born within the body as a result of watching a videotape; it was a function of the mind.